Innovative strategies for sustainable pig farming and grain preservation Sustainable pig farming is about finding a balance between making a living, protecting the... Continue reading
Better monitoring, measuring, and managing Jack O’Connor, ruminant business unit director at MSD Animal Health (MSD) has been immersed in... Continue reading
EPA report – welcome news for farmers Matt O’Keeffe reviews the recent report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that... Continue reading
Greening and growing Farmers have also taken out loans to finance fencing off watercourses, or for solar-powered water... Continue reading
Farmeye – widening its field of vision Dr Eoghan Finneran, CEO of Irish ag-tech company, Farmeye, TALKED to Matt O’Keeffe recently about... Continue reading
Worth its weight It is almost a decade since StrongBó Agritech developed its prototype to automatically weigh... Continue reading
Delivering a licence to a farm Padraig Hennessy is chair of AgTech Ireland, the representative body for companies in the ag-tech... Continue reading
Driving innovation Former CEO of the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association, Gary Ryan moved from the tractor... Continue reading
Minding our Farmers Following research into the mental health of Irish farmers – which investigated the risk factors... Continue reading
Winnovating Agriculture has come a long way from the days of Jethro Tull and his horse-drawn seed plough and... Continue reading
Wrap it up To bale or not to bale? That is the question. Here, we look at some of the pros of baling your... Continue reading
Farm safety: ‘It’s essential that farmers act without delay’ Irish Farmers Monthly editor, Matt O’Keeffe, recently chatted to SENIOR SUSTAINABILITY MANAGER AT... Continue reading
Innovation through genetics The Irish Grassland ASSOCIATION Beef Event 2023 took place recently on the farm of Chris... Continue reading