Spring has sprung, so out with the dung slurry or whatever you can get onto the fields.
Positive vibes
Well readers, it is February already. The farming year is well on its way with slurry,...
Well, my friends, here we go again!
Another year has kicked off and, hopefully, we will be wiser to the challenges before us – last...
‘More buzz than a hive of bees’
Hi, my dear friends, here we are again, at the end of another year – another year older and...
A machine head’s dream
Well readers, the countdown is well and truly on now to the most highly anticipated machinery...
A fantastic celebration of irish farming
Well, my friends, the end of the year is very much nigh – hard to believe.
Well readers, here we go again.
The Tullamore Show is over and in the bag for another year; the Ploughing is just around the...
‘Give the farming community more of a voice’
Well readers, as I sit here and pen this month’s column, not much has changed weather-wise since...
Halfway there
Well readers, here we are halfway through 2024, and still battling the weather.
The never-changing weather
Well readers, the year is flying by!
Playing catch up
Well, my friends, spring may have reared its head last month, but it wasn’t long about retreating.
Spring has sprung
Well, readers, spring is in the air! The daffodils are popping up and being joined by various...
A good start
Well readers, I hope you got over the January blues.
If it sounds too good...
Well readers, here we go again – the start of a new farming year. Firstly, may I wish all our...
Goodbye to 2023
We bid farewell to 2023, and I am not a bit sorry to see the back of it. What a challenging...
‘You can only play what is in front of you’
Well readers, as I sit and compile this month’s column, the rain is pelting down in buckets outside.
The jewel in the crown
The National Ploughing Championships (the Ploughing) are over, and the year is rolling on.
‘If you ate today, thank a farmer
Well, readers, I know it is probably not a good idea to start this column with a moan but that is...
Weather woes
Well readers, as I pen this month’s column, we are preparing to wave goodbye to summer 2023....
Second half of 2023
Well, readers, we are now into the second half of 2023. Time is flying and the farming seasons...