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28% drop in fertiliser price over 12-month period

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) published its Agricultural Price Indices this week, for April, which revealed that fertiliser prices have dropped by 28 per cent when compared to April 2022.

According to the index, the output price index was up 0.4 per cent in the 12 months to April 2023 while the input price fell 0.6 per cent over the same period. The most significant output price increases were seen in cereal prices (+47.5 per cent), pig prices (+34.9 per cent), egg prices (+23.5 per cent) and calf prices (+16.5 per cent) over the last 12 months.
Input price growth was recorded in feed (+14.4 per cent), seeds (+7.1 per cent), and veterinary expenses (+6.1 per cent).
According to the report, the annual terms of trade rose by 1.1 per cent when compared with April 2022. On a monthly basis, the output price index decreased by 2.2 per cent when compared with March 2023, while the input price index for April 2023 was down by 3.3 per cent in comparison with March 2023.