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Collection and recycling of farm plastics on Oireachtas Committee agenda

The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine convened this week to discuss the collection and recycling of farm plastics, with contributions from representatives of the Irish Farm Film Producers Group CLG (IFFPG) and officials from the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications.

Speaking before the meeting, the chair of the committee, Deputy Jackie Cahill explained: “Farm plastics recycling in Ireland is governed by EU and national legislation and the Irish Farm Film Producers Group is the national, not-for-profit, recycling compliance scheme which aims to protect Ireland’s rural environment. The committee looks forward to discussing the current operation of the scheme with representatives of the IFFPG and the department officials.
“The committee is particularly interested in the recycling levy which is charged to farmers and others at the point of purchase and the levy which is charged at the point of collection, which provide the funding for IFFPG to cater for all of Ireland’s waste plastic.
“The main area of concern is reports that there is significant tonnage of plastic in collectors’ yards around the country, even though the purchase levy and collection levy have been paid on this, and what plans IFFPG have to recycle this plastic in the near future.”