Cooley Relief Scheme – farmers urged to apply without delay

At the end of October into early November 2023 there was an unprecedented storm in the Cooley Peninsula which resulted in extensive damage to agricultural lands, fencing and gateways in addition to stored fodder and fertiliser, and other damage. The relief scheme, launched by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, will provide financial assistance to farmers towards costs relating to: restoration of agricultural land; loss/damage to fodder/fertiliser; and repair/replacement to damaged fencing/gateways/farm roadways/laneways.
The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) project team chair, Frank Brady has advised impacted farmers to engage early with the department.
“The unprecedented and recurrent rainfall up in the Cooley Mountains late last October/early November had severe consequences. Fodder, fences, roads and fields were literally washed away or destroyed. While it won’t fully compensate for the damage, this support package will help ease some of the financial burden on impacted farm families, and is particularly timely this year,” he said.
“The timeline is tight. I would encourage all impacted farmers in the Cooley Peninsula to see what’s needed, seek whatever support necessary, and get your applications in early.”
Full details are here: