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European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2022

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, today marked European Antibiotic Awareness Day by launching a new One Health antimicrobial resistance logo to promote increased awareness and understanding of the serious global One Health challenge of antimicrobial resistance. 

The Minister welcomed European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) which takes place annually on 18th November, in partnership with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18 – 24 November 2022). 

Minister McConalogue said: “Ireland continues to adopt a One Health approach to addressing one of our greatest One Health challenges – antimicrobial resistance. Our second national action plan to address antimicrobial resistance, iNAP2 recognises the synergy between human, animal, plant and environmental health and our interdependence for mutual health and wellbeing.

Many of the animal health actions under iNAP2 relate to improving animal health, and preventing disease, recognising that these are key steps to reduce the use of antibiotics, and effectively tackle AMR. Sustained optimal animal health is critical to the future profitability and sustainability of our farming and processing industries, and to the protection of public health and of our shared environment. The theme for European Antibiotic Awareness Day is preventing antimicrobial resistance togetherwhich highlights the importance of collective action.”

The Minister acknowledged that many of the actions being taken by the animal health sector under INAP2 relate to improving animal health and preventing disease, thereby reducing the use of antibiotics, and effectively tackling AMR. Such a preventative approach aligns with other Department strategies such as the National Farmed Animal Health Strategy and supports Ireland’s ambition to be a world leader in sustainable food systems.

Minister McConalogue commented: “Raising awareness of the risks of antimicrobial resistance remains important, and this new One Health AMR logo serves to highlight the importance of responsible use of antimicrobials in order to mitigate the development and spread of AMR. Both the human and animal health sector depend on having effective antimicrobials for disease treatment. Antimicrobial resistance is now a leading cause of deaths worldwide. It is incumbent on us all to address this problem. Awareness of the risks posed by AMR is crucial to driving behavioural change in how antimicrobials are prescribed and used. Through iNAP2 the animal health sector stakeholders continue to show leadership and work collaboratively to deliver actions which promote optimal animal health and food security in a sustainable way, in line with Food Vision 2030, the stakeholder-led strategy for the agri-food sector, and the Government’s Climate Action Plan.”

The Minister also acknowledged that improving knowledge and awareness of the acronym ‘AMR’ among all one health stakeholders is vitally important to achieve the overall aims of iNAP2. It is important that AMR as an acronym is identifiable and understood by all stakeholders, as more and more information and knowledge about AMR is published and relayed across all three one health sectors at a national, European and global level.

The Minister added that: “the overall aim of the new logo is creation of a simple, clear, impactful, relatable brand that improves knowledge and awareness of AMR in the One Health context, and which can be used successfully by any of the one health sectors to promote the AMR relevant messages.’