In March 2024, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue announced an initial extension, allowing farmers to spread all lime purchased under the scheme by June 28.
Chair of the IFA’s Rural Development Committee, John Curran, has called for common sense to apply, and for Minister McConalogue to extend that to the end of December.
“While extensions earlier this year helped, the persistent wet weather for much of the period since, coupled with heavy grass covers, has significantly diminished opportunities to spread lime,” he said.
“We are getting reports from suppliers, particularly those in the west, that only 20-30 per cent of prepaid lime has been delivered and spread to date. This is concerning,” he said.
“Many farmers, particularly those with red clover swards, will be looking to get multiple silage crops this year to rebuild fodder reserves given the long and extended housing period last year. There is a danger that some may apply lime onto silage ground between harvests to comply. This would have significant consequences on silage quality and must be avoided.”
The Rural Development Committee chair said that additional time was required to make full use of the benefits of the scheme and to allow farmers to plan for the weeks and months ahead, especially during this busy time. He said the IFA is engaging with the department on the matter.