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Harper University Irish students dine out

This weekend, the Harper-Ireland Club of 150+ students from Ireland studying at Harper Adams University, in Shropshire, will be holding their annual dinner in Telford on Friday next, February 17th.
Liam de Paor

The guest speaker will be Liam dePaor, the former Volac Managing Director, and Founder of the Cavan based De Paor Consultancy, a leading agri-food industry and public relations company. 

The chairman of the dinner will be Joseph Compton, a BSc(Hons) Agriculture degree student from Ballymena. The Vice-Chancellor of Harper Adams University and the President of the Harper-Ireland Club, Professor Ken Sloan, will preside over the dinner. A small number of guests from Ireland will also be attending. The John Thompson & Sons Ltd. Victor Truesdale Prize will be presented at the dinner by Edwin Truesdale.