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IFA Confirmed as Notice Party to Judicial Review of Nitrates Action Programme

The High Court has approved an order joining the IFA, and four of its members, as notice parties to the impending Judicial Review of the fifth Nitrates Action Programme (NAP) on foot of a challenge by An Taisce.

IFA has been engaging with the courts since September and has now been formally included as a notice party. 
Commenting on the outcome, IFA President Tim Cullinan said: “IFA understands how the Nitrates Action Programme impacts our members. We will use our role as notice party to ensure that the concerns of farm families are fully heard in the court”.
As a notice party, IFA will have the opportunity to participate fully in the case which is being defended by the Department of Housing, Local Govt and Heritage. It also gives IFA the right to appeal the outcome of the Judicial Review should we choose to do so.
The NAP impacts all farmers, governing stocking rates, fertiliser usage limits, slurry application methods and closed periods amongst others. Any substantial changes to the NAP could have far-reaching consequences for farmers, both directly and indirectly, particularly on the land rental market.