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Lakeland Dairies members vote overwhelmingly in favour of rule changes

At a special general meeting (SGM) held in Cavan today (September 12), shareholders of Lakeland Dairies voted in favour of adopting new rules ‘aimed at futureproofing the ongoing progress and success of the co-operative’. The vote was carried by 98%.
Shareholders attending and voting in a show of hands at the Lakeland Dairies special general meeting held in Cavan.

The shareholders voted on adopting the following changes to the co-op’s rulebook.

  1. Promotion of diverse membership and governance participation.
  2. Ensure meetings are held in a manner that encourages attendance and participation by diverse members.
  3. Introduction of postal, electronic and hybrid voting for elections of members of the board.
  4. Updating of language in the rules to reflect a modern society e.g. chairperson replacing chairman

Speaking after the SGM, Lakeland Dairies’ chairperson, Niall Matthews, welcomed the outcome of the vote.“I am pleased to see such a strong turnout from our shareholders and, equally, I am delighted to see the votes pass in such a comprehensive manner.“This is one of the most transformative times in the history of the co-operative movement. We are seeing considerable change coming to farming and with change comes opportunity. I’m a firm believer that having as many voices as possible from diverse backgrounds within our co-operative helps continually to foster progressive ideas and strategies.“We are a modern co-op with a large supplier base. Therefore, I am also pleased to see the option for in-person as well as hybrid voting for board elections being carried. We want to ensure that every eligible shareholder has a voice in an election for their board and this will help farmers have options on how to vote – which is a critical component of a democratic co-operative.”