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Local crime is ‘not a serious problem’ according to Garda survey

The number of people that believe local crime is ‘not a problem’ has risen by 13 per cent, to 45 per cent, since 2019, according to the 2022 Garda Public Attitude Survey.

This is higher than in both 2018 and 2019 (31 per cent and 32 per cent, respectively) and similar to 2021 (46 per cent). According to respondents, national crime is seen as more of a problem than local crime. In addition, 49 per cent of people said they did not worry about becoming a victim of crime and most respondents (63 per cent) reported having ‘no fears’ or ‘very few fears’ about crime. The majority (58 per cent) said fear of crime had no impact on their quality of life.
The Garda Public Attitude Survey of 7,699 people, aged 18 years and over, and 389 young people (16 and 17) was undertaken in the second half of 2022 (August-December) by Behaviour and Attitudes (B&A) on behalf of An Garda Síochána.

Survey highlights

• 63 per cent of people have ‘no fears’ or ‘very few fears’ about crime.

• Nearly 60 per cent said fear of crime had no impact on their quality of life.

• 81 per cent of people say local crime is not a serious problem. 

• Almost 20 per cent increase from 2018 in people who say the organisation is well-managed – 68 per cent say it is well-managed.

• 75 per cent satisfied with the service provided by Gardaí.

• 90 per cent of people trust An Garda Síochána.

• 90 per cent agreed that Gardaí treat you with respect.

• 90 per cent of young people trust An Garda Síochána, 86 per cent said they would be treated with respect by Gardaí.

The survey found that trust in An Garda Síochána remains high at 90 per cent, which is similar to the last three surveys (2018, 2019 and 2021). Satisfaction with An Garda Síochána also remains at a high level with 75 per cent of respondents satisfied with Garda services provided to local communities. The highest level of satisfaction with Garda service was greatest for those aged 65 years and older, and for 18–24-year-olds (78 per cent and 80 per cent, respectively).
In general, 90 per cent believe that they would be treated with respect if they had any contact with An Garda Síochána, and 75 per cent said Gardaí would treat you fairly regardless of who you are. Also, 72 per cent agreed that Gardaí can be relied to be there when they are needed. The majority of respondents said that Gardaí listen to concerns of local people (76 per cent) and address the things that matter to local communities (74 per cent).
Speaking on the publication of the results today, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said: "The survey shows that most victims are satisfied with the service they receive from An Garda Síochána, but we must continue in our efforts to improve our service to victims, particularly in keeping them fully informed on how their case is progressing. We are taking steps to improve this.”