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Major agri-food policy event in Dublin Castle in October

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, has announced that he will host an event on agri-food policy, ‘Food Vision 2030: A World Leader in Sustainable Food Systems’, in Dublin Castle on Thursday, 13th October.


Minister McConalogue said: “Ireland’s agri-food sector’s ambition is to be a ‘World Leader in Sustainable Food Systems’, as expressed in Food Vision 2030, a ten-year strategy developed by the sector itself and launched last year.  I believe that the detailed missions set out in Food Vision have the potential to transform our agriculture, food, forestry and marine sector in the period to 2030, with sustainability in all its dimensions, environmental, economic and social, at its core.

Ireland has a reputation for producing safe, high-quality food and drink, with record exports of over €15 billion in 2021. We need to safeguard that reputation by improving sustainability in all its forms, particularly for our farmers and fishers, who are the bedrock of our sector, in cooperation with agri-food businesses and rural and coastal communities. I am looking forward to hosting this important event in October”.