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McConalogue announces progress on Saudi beef market access

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue T.D. has announced progress in expanding market access in Saudi Arabia for Irish beef.

Minister McConalogue met with the leadership of the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) in Riyadh on Wednesday, where agreement in principle was reached to lift the current restriction whereby Irish beef exports to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must come from cattle slaughtered under 30 months of age. Further technical engagement will now take place to complete the necessary formalities to confirm the expanded access. Minister McConalogue also secured SFDA commitment to further technical engagement on sheepmeat access and raised the possibility of poultrymeat access in the future. Speaking following the meeting with the SFDA CEO, Dr Hisham bin Saad Aljadhey, Minister McConalogue welcomed the development. "Following a constructive meeting with the SFDA, I'm pleased to report that the requirement for all beef exported to Saudi Arabia to be from animals under 30 months has now been lifted. While the necessary formal exchanges remain to be completed, it is welcome news and comes following detailed engagement with the Saudi competent authorities by my Department, with support from the Embassy of Ireland in Riyadh and the agricultural attaché for the Gulf region.” "Ireland’s food exports to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia amounted to almost €100 million last year, dominated by dairy products. However, I see the market as one with growth potential, especially for Irish beef. I met with retail and food service customers this week in Riyadh and each expressed a strong desire to purchase more Irish products in the time ahead. Some 70% of the Saudi population

is under the age of 30 with a demand for quality, and a growing interest in the link between health and good nutritious food.

"Irish beef is synonymous with quality, sustainability and safety in the Gulf Region, and I am confident that the door will soon be open for a wider range of Irish beef access to the Saudi market. Our Food Vision 2030 strategy, and its integrated, food systems approach, was of considerable interest in both Government and business engagements this week; as was the role of Sustainable Food Systems Ireland (SFSI) in sharing Irish agri-food expertise with international partners.”

Ailish Forde Director of Global Business at Bord Bia welcomed the success of the Saudi Arabia engagement: “Saudi Arabia represents considerable opportunity for the Irish food sector. The outcomes from the Ministerial engagement this week are really positive, giving us further opportunities to a market with 35 million consumers. Bord Bia research illustrates the extent to which these consumers are interested in quality, natural and sustainably produced food. We look forward to engaging with key customers and stakeholders in the weeks and months ahead.”