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Milk price increases announced by Dairygold, Tirlán and Carbery

There has been upward movement in the price paid for September milk with three co-ops so far this week, Dairygold, Tirlán and Carbery, announcing increases

Dairygold has increased its September milk price by 2.25c/L to 48c/L based on standard constituents of 3.3 per cent protein and 3.6 per cent butterfat, inclusive of sustainability and quality bonuses and VAT. The September milk price equates to an average farmgate milk price of 59.9c/L, based on the average September 2024 milk solids, achieved by Dairygold milk suppliers.
A company spokesperson commented: “Dairy market returns strengthened in September, with market prices improving, particularly for both butter and cheese, as buying activity increased and global supply remained constrained. However, in recent weeks, butter prices have fallen from their unprecedented high levels.” Dairygold said the board will continue to monitor markets closely and will review milk price on a monthly basis.
Tirlán will pay a total of 49.08c/L, including VAT, for September milk supplies at 3.6 per cent butterfat and 3.3 per cent protein. This is an increase of 2.75c/L on the payment for August. The September milk price consists of the following: base milk price of 48.58c/L (including VAT), an increase of 2.75 cpl from August; a Sustainability Action Payment of 0.5c/L (including VAT) to all qualifying suppliers. The base price and Sustainability Action Payment will be adjusted to reflect the actual constituents of milk delivered by suppliers. The actual average price paid by Tirlán for September creamery milk, based on delivered constituents, will be 62.14c/L (including VAT).
Tirlán chair, John Murphy said: “We are pleased to be in a position to increase milk price this month, which brings the total milk price increases for this year to 13c/L. Dairy markets have been solid in recent weeks, although there has been some softening in European butter prices from record highs. The current milk to feed price ratio presents an opportunity for spring calving herds to generate economic returns by continuing to supply high quality milk for as long as possible. The board will continue to monitor the dairy market on a monthly basis.”
Carbery has increased its base milk price for September by 2.5c/L. If this decision is replicated across the four west Cork co-op –  Bandon, Barryroe, Drinagh and Lisavaird – this will result in an average milk price of 50.70c/L, inclusive of VAT, 0.5c/L SCC bonus and FutureProof sustainability bonus.
A spokesperson for Carbery said: “The ongoing strengthening of dairy markets through quarter three and, in particular, strong cheese prices, are enabling this increase in milk price. Carbery will continue to maximise returns from dairy markets for our shareholders.”