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Released without charge

A man, aged in his early 20s, arrested as part of an ongoing Garda investigation into multiple reported thefts of agricultural machinery and livestock, has been released from custody without charge, and a file is now being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The man was arrested last week in relation to the reported thefts, which occurred from November 2022 to February 2023, and resulted in approximately €110,000 of farm machinery (including a tractor and slurry tanker which were later recovered) and livestock being stolen.
Through an extensive investigation conducted by Gardaí from Cork West and Kerry, it was suspected the thefts were linked to an organised crime group believed to be involved in the removal of livestock and machinery from this jurisdiction.
On Tuesday June 13, 2023, a number of vehicles were seized during the course of a several searches of residences and farmlands in north and west Kerry. These searches were conducted by Gardaí from the Cork West and Kerry divisions with assistance from the Regional Armed Support Unit from Limerick, along with local Divisional Scenes of Crime Unit members and Community Policing Unit members. On June 14, a man was arrested and detained, before being released late on the night of June 16. Gardaí have confirmed that a file is being prepared for the DPP and investigations are ongoing.