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Support scheme with a fund of €7 million for pig producers

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, has announced a specific support scheme with a fund of €7 million for pig producers.

Minister McConalogue said: “Our pig farmers have always been remarkably resilient, but I am acutely aware of the challenges they are facing at present. Irish pig farm families are currently facing unprecedented challenges due to a combination of low pigmeat prices and extraordinarily high input costs, due to international factors outside their control. I am, therefore, pleased that the Government has this morning approved my proposal for a €7 million scheme to provide emergency support to commercial pig farmers. This is an urgent, short-term response to assist producers that would be viable but for the extreme current circumstances and allow space for a more medium-term adjustment to market signals. I am pleased to have been able to deliver this package following thorough engagement with the IFA and its national pig committee.

“My colleague Minister Martin Heydon has played a key role in bringing this scheme to fruition especially his important work as chair of the Pig Roundtable.”

Minister of State Martin Heydon said: "As outlined by Minister McConalogue, our pig sector has faced an extremely difficult set of circumstances. We have been in close contact with all stakeholders throughout and we will continue to work closely with the industry to ensure a coordinated response. The package we are announcing today will help to support farmers through this period."

Minister McConalogue stressed that this scheme is part of a series of measures to support the sector:

Access to finance

Minister McConalogue noted that he and Minister of State Martin Heydon recently met with the main banks and SBCI specifically to discuss the crisis, and that the key messages emerging was that farmers experiencing cash flow difficulties should engage with the banks as soon as possible to discuss options and that the banks remain committed to supporting their customers in the period ahead. The Brexit Impact Loan Scheme and the COVID-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme, both of which are financed by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in partnership with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, can be used for working capital and include features which will assist the current financial needs of pig farmers.


Bord Bia has intensified its efforts to promote quality assured Irish pigmeat in the domestic and export markets with dedicated TV, radio and national print media advertising campaigns planned for Q1 2022. Bord Bia has two EU programmes that have significant funding allocated towards pigmeat promotional activity. These programmes are currently running in China, Mexico, South Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines.


Teagasc has intensified its dedicated, ongoing advisory supports being provided to pig farmers and is actively engaging with pig farmers to explore the options potentially available to them.

Stakeholder engagement

The Pig RoundTable, chaired by Minister Martin Heydon TD, provides a forum for strategic engagement by stakeholders in the challenges and opportunities facing the sector in the time ahead, and particularly the strategic actions identified for the sector in the Food Vision 2030 strategy.

Scheme details

The fund of €7 million will be distributed through a flat rate payment of a maximum of €20,000 per individual commercial pig farmer sending more than 200 pigs per annum to slaughter. Further details on terms and conditions will be available shortly. Applicants should contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. immediately to provide their contact details, and for further information on how to apply.