Teagasc’s virtual reality

The central aim of the virtual centre is to speed up the development and implementation of management practices and technologies that can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while also improving biodiversity. Teagasc’s climate centre’s coordinating role should deliver greater efficiencies and synergies across its research and development programmes, primarily to maximise their impact and also reduce and, hopefully, eliminate duplication of activities. This is a cooperatively focussed initiative, with Teagasc working with other organisations at home and internationally to achieve prescribed targets in relation to emissions reductions and improved environmental outcomes.
Key objectives confirmed
Teagasc is already considered a leader in the space of agricultural research and development and this Climate Centre should help to build on this reputation. Teagasc highlights the key objectives of the centre as including the burnishing of Ireland’s reputation as a global leader in sustainability, especially in relation to its agricultural research and innovation. The purpose of the exercise is also made clear. It is for Irish farming and food production to deliver on its commitments to climate change mitigation and environmental welfare. Instead of a dispersed effort, the climate centre offers coordination and collaboration in a single structure of the various aspects of sustainability and environmental improvement. Ultimately, the aim is to utilise, to best effect, all accumulated knowledge and ensure that farmers, and agriculturalists generally, have all of the available and necessary tools to deliver a sustainable farming model. Allied to these aims is the requirement to provide decision makers, politicians and regulators with the means of making informed decisions based on scientific facts. The adoption of best management practices, especially of technology-led advances, is another key aim of the Climate Centre initiative. Adapting and adopting the best solutions, whether developed in Ireland or globally, presents not just Irish farmers, but farmers everywhere with the best means of feeding the world population sustainably.
Strong demands on farming
There are clear and unambiguous challenges for agriculture to overcome in the time ahead. The Climate Centre virtual space lists them out. Reductions in nitrous oxide, methane and CO2 emissions are highlighted. So too, is the challenge of adopting farming and environmental management systems which facilitate and promote greater carbon sequestration. The need to reverse the deterioration in biodiversity standards is also a clear challenge.
The fact that climate change is already impacting agriculture and the environment, generally, means that farming must adapt to changing weather conditions and build stronger food production systems that can function efficiently under these new climatic conditions. Farm diversification is listed as an area of importance, and we are constantly witnessing the ability and willingness of farmers to diversify, as needed, to meet changing economic, environmental and social requirements.
Ultimately, research and innovation can only be of value if it is translated into action and adoption on a broad scale across the agricultural system. It must be hoped that the Climate Centre model will act as the single overarching structure to ensure that happens. We have seen what is possible under various programmes. The Signpost Programme is a pre-eminent example in that regard, where selected farms and farmers act as role models and exemplars of best practice, and confirm their experiences to their fellow farmers.