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Bord Bia to team up with Teagasc and ICBF for AgNav demos

Bord Bia returns to the National Ploughing Championships (the Ploughing) this year with a ‘supporting Irish farmers’ theme dominating its stand, according to a spokesperson, and a focus on audit and sustainability supports and advice.

The stand will include a joint exhibition with Teagasc and the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation  (ICBF) to showcase AgNav, a new online farm sustainability portal, which will provide information and advice to support sustainability actions on Irish beef and dairy farms. Farmers will be shown how the portal works and how they can sign-up through the free Teagasc Signpost Advisory programme.
Recent winners of the Sustainable Farmer Awards at the Tullamore Show will be profiled as well as some best-in-class dairy farmers.
Visitors will also find information about carbon footprinting and recent progress in carbon footprint reduction on Irish beef and dairy farms.
The Bord Bia audit helpdesk is available to any farmer looking for advice and information about their audit. This will be especially useful for those who have joined the Suckler Carbon Efficiency Scheme. And the stand will also feature highlight reels of Bord Bia’s work to show how Irish meat and dairy is promoted at home and abroad.