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Dairy beef scheme opens with increase to number of eligible calves

Minster for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, announced this week that the National Dairy Beef Welfare Scheme is open, supported by funding from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.

The scheme includes a payment rate of up to €20 per eligible calf weighed, subject to a maximum of 50 calves – this is an increase of 10 calves. This means that grant aid of up to €1,000 is available for holdings meeting this criteria. Those eligible to apply to the scheme include: an owner of an active herd number with herd-owner status, who submits a Basic Income Support for Sustainability application in 2023; and had a male calf of a dairy breed or a male or female calf of a beef breed sire born to a dairy breed dam in the herd.
Those participating in the scheme are required to weigh a minimum of five eligible calves and submit details to the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF). Calves must be at least 12 weeks old at the time of weighing, and be registered on the holding they are being weighed on for a minimum of 10 days prior to the date of weighing. These calves must also have been born between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. All weights should be submitted within seven days of weighing and must be submitted before November 1, 2023. Applications to the scheme must be made on, with the closing date for applications being May 2nd 2023.
Commenting on the opening, Minister McConalogue said: "I am delighted to secure funding from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve for this very important scheme. A successful dairy beef strategy will improve the resilience of the sector to future shocks, with additional benefits for calf health and welfare. In recent years, beef from the dairy herd has contributed an increasing proportion of national production.
“There is strong potential for greater integration of dairy and beef production systems, particularly the role of dairy beef in providing a new diversification option for beef farmers. This year, I have increased to 50 the number of eligible calves which farmers will be paid for weighing,” he said.
The scheme will be funded by the Irish exchequer, and details have been notified to the European Commission in accordance with the Covid-19 Temporary State Aid Framework, according to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Approval of applications under the measure will be subject to Commission decision on the measure.