Commenting, the minister said: “The Tillage Incentive Scheme was introduced in 2022 as part of a package of supports, in response to the illegal war in Ukraine. The scheme was introduced to encourage farmers to sow additional eligible tillage crops to help reduce the dependency on imported animal feed materials and thereafter to maintain this additional tillage area going forward into 2023.
“Payments will be visible in farmers’ bank accounts in the coming days and the department will continue to process, as a matter of urgency, all remaining cases for payment as any outstanding queries are addressed.”
Farmers wishing to contact the department regarding their Tillage Incentive Scheme payment, are advised to call the Direct Payments Helpline: 057-8674422; or email:
Straw Incorporation Measure
Meanwhile, payments totalling €12.3 million have commenced issuing under the 2023 Straw Incorporation Measure and will be visible in farmers bank accounts in the coming days, according to the minister.