The scheme has been extremely popular with tillage farmers in 2023, seeing a 50 per cent increase in the total hectares sown to protein crops over previous years, according to Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue. He said: “As a result, I have provided an additional €3m in funding above the already increased annual budget of €7m bringing the total in 2023, to €10m.”
The payment provided under this scheme is an important support for tillage farmers for the growing of protein crops, including beans, peas, lupins and the protein cereal mix crop. Minister McConalogue continued: “These protein crops deliver a range of environmental benefits in addition to reducing our reliance on imported sources of protein for animal feed. In recognition of these benefits, funding under the scheme was more than doubled in the current CAP Strategic Plan to provide an increased budget of €35m over the lifetime of the plan.
In 2023, €10 million has been set aside for the Protein Aid Scheme, and payments are being made for the approximately 1,350 applicants. The rate for this year has been set at €583 per hectare for beans, peas, lupins and soya, with a half rate payment of €291.50 per hectare for the Protein Cereal Mix. Payments may take up to five days to reach farmers accounts. Payments will continue to issue to the tillage sector via the Tillage Incentive Scheme and the Straw Incorporation Measure.
Farmers can ring the Department helpdesk at 057-8674422. Farmers can also submit any queries they may have online via www.agfood.ie or by email to