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€800,000 scheme launched for Shannon Callows flooded farmers

Funding of over €800,000 has been earmarked to assist farmers who have lost fodder due to exceptional flooding in the Shannon Callows.

The scheme was announced today by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConologue. He explained: "There has been exceptional flooding in the Shannon Callows during late summer, which has prevented farmers from conserving sufficient quantities of hay or silage for the winter months ahead. This has left affected farmers in a serious situation requiring them to purchase additional fodder to maintain animal health and welfare over the winter months. This scheme will assist farmers in this situation".
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine will contact farmers directly who have been affected by this flooding in the coming weeks. Payment will be at a rate of €325 per hectare for farmers affected by fodder loss and will be paid on a minimum of one hectare and a maximum of 15 hectares.