The competition is open to the public, is completely free, and will involve submission of a photo that highlights some aspect of our late summer/autumn hedgerows. Alan Moore of Hedgerows Ireland said: “This could be of a length of hedgerow showing off its shape and overall appearance, or a photo of a plant, bird, mammal, insect, or some other feature which illustrates hedgerow wildlife. Your photo could be a composite of different images in one single picture. We are excited to see what catches your eye,” he said.
This new venture represents an innovative partnership between an environmental group and the ICMSA with the aim of celebrating the native hedgerows that are one of our most important landscape features, supporting 95 per cent of the wildlife in our farmed countryside, as well as providing a range of other benefits to nature and wildlife. These include shelter, shade, flood and drought reduction, nutrient buffering, and very significant carbon storage. The competition aims to show the beauty and function of the hedgerows that are our most emblematic rural feature.
ICMSA president Denis Drennan said the association is committed to both the biodiversity-enhancing and heritage aspects of the competition: “The vast majority of farmers are incredibly conscious of their role as guardians of our rural heritage and, in that capacity, we are happy and proud to sponsor this novel and imaginative means of highlighting Ireland’s hedgerows and the vital role they play as a diversity-enhancing habitat,” he said.
- Entries should be made via the website: www.hedgerowireland.org and entrants must accompany their photos with a title, location, and their own name.
- There are two categories: under-18s (parental consent needed), and over-18s.
- There will be three prizes in each category: first prize €500; second prize €250; and third prize €125.
- Entries close on October 31.