This year’s theme was Soil and Water: a source of life. Minister Charlie McConalogue commented: “There is a precious link between soil and water and with over 95% of our food originating from the soil, and the relationship with water is the foundation of our agricultural production.”
In addition, Minister McConalogue announced that approval letters for phase two of the Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme will issue to 7,000 farmers this week. This Programme will provide valuable information to farmers to inform decisions that promote the health of their soils and is aimed at putting soil health, soil fertility and soil carbon at the very centre of our future agricultural model.
Minister McConalogue said: “I am delighted to see progress with the programme and I wish our new partner the Irish Soil Expert Consortium well in the delivery of the sampling, analysis and provision of approximately 90,000 soil sample results to our farmers.”
To mark World Soil Day, Minister of State Pippa Hackett recently took the opportunity to visit Thomas, Florence and David Fennelly’s farm near Emo, Co. Laois. The Fennelly’s are dairy farmers participating in the Teagasc Signpost programme and are carrying out activities to reduce the GHG and ammonia emissions, to improve water quality, soil health and the overall biodiversity on their farm. Minister Hackett said: “I was delighted to hear what the Fennelly’s are doing to make their farm more sustainable. Their focus on implementing sustainable soil management practices and improving soil health on their farm is evident. Healthy soils play a crucial role in regulating water retention and availability in agriculture.”
Minister Hackett added: “The health of the soil, and the quality and availability of water are interconnected. Both are an integral and necessary part of our lives and I welcome that World Soil Day is highlighting this important interconnection.”
Minister of State Martin Heydon stated: “At the recent ‘Agriculture and Climate Change: Science into Action’ conference hosted by my Department, I announced funding of €3.8m for four research projects arising from the 2023 Ireland – New Zealand Joint Research Call. One of these projects is examining the implications of land management practices on organic peat soils with a particular emphasis on greenhouse gas emission reductions and will receive just over €1 million.”
Minister Heydon also used the occasion of World Soil Day to announce the signing of the European Soil Mission Manifesto. The Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme 2021-2027 is the European Union’s key initiative for funding research and one of its five missions is the ‘Soil Deal for Europe’. The Soil Mission Manifesto highlights the urgent need for action to protect soil health and the signing of the manifesto is an important element in the success of Soil Mission.
Marking his signing of the Manifesto, Minister Heydon said: “Food Vision 2030 highlights that good soil health is critical in terms of agricultural output, producing nutrient-dense food, sequestering carbon, supporting habitats and biodiversity, and building resilience against climate change. The Soil Mission will enable research in these areas, and I am delighted to sign the Soil Mission Manifesto on this World Soil Day and believe it is an important demonstration of my Department’s commitment to the Soil Mission”.