No comfort zone for farmers

Farmers would love a bite out of that cherry! Imagine being able to ward off criticism of their farming practices, their so-called climate-damaging cattle herds, and their perceived pollution of watercourses by upholding a right to avoid any situation or criticism that makes them feel uncomfortable? If banning an ‘uncomfortable’ speaker, as the society did back then, is reflective of young adult mindsets, and we hope it is not, then heaven help them when they enter the world of work. The harsh realities of life cannot be avoided by insisting one is entitled to a safe comfort zone where no one can say or do anything to discommode or question one’s ideological certainties. In another, somewhat related reflection of the open-mindedness or otherwise of the self-righteous brigade, Trinity College last month declared Monday 16 to be a meat and dairy-free, vegan diet-only day in its canteen. That’s the kind of liberal-minded attitude we like to hear about. Having a right to make basic nutritional choices is only acceptable if those choices comply with the dietary diktat handed down by those who know best and who insist on force-feeding their ideologies on the uninformed proletariat.