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Extension granted for shallow cultivation measures

An extension has been granted for farmers to complete the shallow cultivation scheme. In recognition of the recent unseasonably wet period of weather, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien in consultation with Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, have extended the current 14-day period to 28 days.

This extension applies to crops that have been harvested up to August 4. Where shallow cultivation is required on this land, it must be done by September 1. 

Announcing the decision, Minister McConalogue stated: “Some early crops of winter barley were successfully harvested with shallow cultivation completed, however more recently harvested crops are already lying on the ground for over 14 days as it has not been dry enough to bale. When weather conditions improve this straw will have to be tedded out to dry before being raked up again to facilitate baling. In difficult weather conditions tillage farmers have to prioritise trying to save their grain to avoid further loses. I recognise harvesting grain must be the priority ahead of clearing straw and the flexibility agreed by Minister O’Brien will allow this.”

There is already flexibility for farmers in the rules around shallow cultivation of land post-harvest. These flexibilities include an exemption for all land where a winter cereal crop, oilseed rape or beans is due to be sown by the October 31. In addition, to avoid unduly impacting the source of food for seed-eating birds, there is a requirement not to conduct shallow cultivation post-harvest on 20-25% of the total cereal land area on each holding. 

“These flexibilities cover a very significant majority of the land already harvested/being harvested at present. However, this situation will quickly change as the spring barley harvest commences.” The ministers said this decision would be reviewed again soon and a further extension may be considered at that stage if necessary.