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IFA introduces hybrid voting for elections

The National Council of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) agreed a number of rule changes at its recent meeting including the introduction of hybrid voting for the election of president and deputy president.

For the elections, each member will receive their ballot papers in the post and will have the option to attend their branch AGM to cast their ballot, or to return it by post. In addition, the president, deputy president and regional chair will be elected for a maximum of one four-year term, and not two two-year terms, as is currently the case. These were among a host of changes that, according to the IFA, will equip the organisation to deal with the challenges facing the sector. Accoridng to the IFA, a strengthened National Officers’ Committee (NOC) with additional delegated powers will have the power to co-opt up to three extra members, subject to a transparent process and criteria agreed in advance by the National Council. The NOC currently consists of the IFA president, the deputy president, the four regional chairs and the national treasurer/returning officer. In addition, members elected to the NOC positions will not be able to go back to any other position in the IFA. They can only move upwards.
The roles of national treasurer and national returning officer will be split. The national returning officer will not be a member of national council or the NOC and will be elected for four years. The person will be ineligible to be nominated for any other position within IFA.
Up to three members can now be co-opted onto each national committee from Macra or the IFA’s Future Leaders Programme. Any person who has served 12 years on national committees will not be eligible to go forward for election if somebody who has not served on any national committee is validly nominated.
IFA president, Tim Cullinan said the rule changes will help to bring new people into the association. “It’s important that we continue to renew the organisation and send out a strong message that IFA is open to new people, new ideas, and new ways of doing business,” he said.