Tirlán Co-operative Society Limited (Tirlán Co-op) will hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) of...
Derogation discussed at Lakeland meetings with taoiseach and minister
Lakeland Dairies held separate meetings with Taoiseach Simon Harris, and Minister for...
Dairygold introduces feed rebate
Dairygold is offering a €15 per tonne rebate on bulk mainline dairy and beef feeds, delivered...
Ireland completes 13-year national soil mapping programme
Ireland has become one of the only countries in the world to complete detailed geochemical...
Co-ops announce price increases for July
Tirlán, Dairygold, Lakeland Dairies and Kerry Dairy Ireland have all announced price increases...
€40m Biomethane Capital Grant – Applications Open
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue T.D, has announced the opening...
Upcoming Events at Airfield Estate
Airfield Estate has announced two family-friendly weekend events to take place throughout August...
Opening of €20 Million Scheme for Suckler Farmers
The 2024 Beef Welfare Scheme announced last month is open for applications.
ACORNS Marks Decade of Support for Female Entrepreneurship
ACORNS is celebrating a decade of support for female entrepreneurship in rural Ireland with the...
Irish farmers make big hearted gift to Ugandan nuns
A community of Ugandan nuns are the proud owners of a brand-new four-wheel drive tractor thanks...
IFA launches pre-budget submission
Earlier this week, the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) launched its the pre-Budget ’25...
New Baling Assistance Payment scheme launched
Following on from the agriculture minister’s u-turn on pausing the Straw Incorporation Measure...
Bovine genotyping programme to re-open
Ireland's national bovine genotyping programme is set to re-open for new applicants, the Minister...
Minister reaffirms commitment to support women in ag
Nine of 13 State boards under the remit of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine...
South Korean beef buyers visit Irish farms and processors
Beef buyers from South Korea visited Ireland this week, hosted by Bord Bia, during which they...
Cooley Relief Scheme – farmers urged to apply without delay
Cooley Peninsula farmers impacted by a severe storm in late 2023 are being urged to waste no time...
All suckler farmers eligible for €20m Beef Welfare Scheme
All farmers with eligible suckler cows that produced an eligible calf during the relevant period...
Dairy-farmer income less than half the minimum wage
The reality of dairy farming in 2024 is that average dairy-farmer income is now ‘well below’ the...
Three events to put in your diary for Farm Safety Week
This year’s Farm Safety Week takes place from Monday, July 22 to Friday, July 26 with three...
Hard work paying off: Lowest emissions in three decades
There was positive news this week as provisional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for 2023 indicate...